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Conference Committee on S.F. 2934
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
2:00 PM or At the Call of the Chair, G-23 Capitol


Present: No Members Absent

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator John A. Hoffman called the meeting to order at 2:00pm.

S.F. 2934: Senator Hoffman: Omnibus Human Services appropriations.

Chair Noor the moves A23-0180 amendment – adopted


Representative Baker moves the A52 amendment – withdrawn


Representative Baker moves the A53 amendment – withdrawn


Senator Abeler moves the A97 amendment – adopted


Senator Abeler moves the A93 amendment – adopted (replaces A90)


Representative Baker moves the A54 amendment – adopted


Representative Baker moves the A55 amendment – adopted


Senator Abeler moves the A56 amendment – adopted


Senator Abeler moves the A91 amendment – Senator Hoffman lays on the table

Matt Burdick with DHS & Phil Griffin with Ewald Consulting explain


Senator Abeler moves the A92 amendment – adopted


Senator Abeler moves the A94 amendment – adopted


Senator Abeler moves the A95 amendment – withdrawn


Senator Abeler moves the A96 amendment – adopted


John Choi – Ramsey County Attorney explains


Senator Fateh motions to take the A91 amendment from the table

                Matt Burdick with DHS


Oral amendment to CCRSF2934: Page 16, Line 17, delete ‘conduct’ replace with ‘document’

Senator Fateh withdraws the A91 amendment

                Tara Erickson, with ARRM explains:

Delete subdivision B, substitute language that was in the A91 amendment, and change ‘conduct’ to ‘document’


Senator Abeler moves to reconsider A91 amendment, move to amend the amendment orally: page 1 line 5, delete ‘conduct’ replace with ‘document’ – adopted


Senator Abeler moves the A91 amendment as amended – adopted


Senator Abeler moves oral amendment: page 152 of CCRSF2934

line 20 delete ‘develop,’

line 23 delete ‘this’

line 24 delete ‘subdivision’ insert ‘paragraph (b)’

line 28 delete ‘this’

line 29 delete ‘subdivision’ insert ‘paragraph (b)’

– adopted


Senator Abeler moves oral amendment: page 169 of CCRSF2934

line 13 delete everything after ‘.’

Delete lines 14 & 15

– adopted


Senator Abeler moves oral amendment: CCRSF2934

page 212, clause 14 will be amended to read ‘the Minnesota Attorney General’

page 213, line 6, delete ‘September’, insert ‘July’

page 213, line 10, delete ‘October’, insert ‘August’

page 213, lines 11 & 12: ‘(b) The attorney general and the commissioner must serve as co-chairs. The task force may elect other officers as necessary.’

page 214, line 16: delete ‘2025’, insert ‘2024’

page 214, line 30: entire subdivision amended to read: ‘The task force expires June 30, 2024.’

Insert a new effective date making the section effective the day following final enactment

– adopted


Chair Hoffman moves the adoption of CCRSF2934. The CLA will take the role, starting with the Senate.


Chair Hoffman - Aye

Chair Noor - Aye

Senator Fateh - Aye

Senator Abeler - Aye

Representative Fischer - Aye

Representative Baker – Nay


The conference committee report is adopted – Senator Hoffman will direct non-partisan staff to make technical changes and incorporate the adopted amendments to the conference committee report, as well as any changes to the appropriations article to conform with the amendments adopted.


Members will receive an email from the revisor to sign the report. We will ask that members respond and sign the report as soon as possible tonight.


2pm planned start time.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00pm.

Senator John A. Hoffman, Chair
David Zak, Legislative Assistant