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State and Local Government and Veterans Committee
Thursday, March 23, 2023
12:30 PM, 123 Capitol


Present: Senator Nicole Mitchell - Vice Chair, Senator Bruce D. Anderson, Senator Calvin K. Bahr, Senator Jim Carlson, Senator Steve A. Cwodzinski, Senator Steve Drazkowski, Senator Omar Fateh, Senator Heather Gustafson, Senator John R. Jasinski, Senator Mark W. Koran, Senator Andrew R. Lang, Senator Erin K. Maye Quade, Senator Kelly L. Morrison, Senator Erin P. Murphy

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Erin P. Murphy called the meeting to order at 1:03 pm.

Call to Order

S.F. 2218: Senator Kupec: Grain indemnity account establishment and money transfer.

Senator Kupec presented SF2218.

Chair Murphy moved SF2218 be recommended to pass and re-refered to the committee on Finance. 

Motion prevailed. 

Senator Murphy moved that S.F. 2218, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 1424: Senator Murphy: State and Local Government Policy Omnibus.

Senator Mitchell assumed the gavel.

Senator Murphy presented SF1424. Testimony was heard from: Julie Bayerl - Minnesota Department of Administration, Britta Reitan - Minnesota Management and Budget, Stacie Christensen - Minnesota Department of Administration, and Devin Bruce - MAPE. 

Stephanie James, Senate Counsel, walks through state government policies
Joan White, Senate Counsel, walks through local government policies. 

Senator Murphy moved to adopt A3 as amended by A4 to SF1424.

Motion prevailed. 

Senator Murphy moved SF1424, as amended be recommended to pass.

Senator Murphy - No, Senator Anderson - No, Senator Bahr - No, Senator Drazkowski - No, Senator Jasinski - No, Senator Koran - No, Senator Lang - No. 

Chair Mitchell - Yes, Senator Carlson - Yes, Senator Cwodzinski - Yes, Senator Fateh - Yes, Senator Gustafson - Yes, Senator Maye Quade - Yes, Senator Morrison - Yes. 

Senator Murphy moved to reconsider. 

Roll call requested. 

Chair Mitchell - Yes, Senator Carlson - Yes, Senator Cwodzinski - Yes, Senator Fateh - Yes, Senator Gustafson - Yes, Senator Maye Quade - Yes, Senator Morrison - Yes. Senator Murphy. 

Senator Anderson - No, Senator Bahr - No, Senator Drazkowski - No, Senator Jasinski - No, Senator Koran - No, Senator Lang - No. 

Motion prevailed. 

Senator Murphy moved SF1424, as amended, be recommended to pass. 

Roll call requested. 

Chair Mitchell - Yes, Senator Carlson - Yes, Senator Cwodzinski - Yes, Senator Fateh - Yes, Senator Gustafson - Yes, Senator Maye Quade - Yes, Senator Morrison - Yes. Senator Murphy. Senator Anderson - No, Senator Bahr - No, Senator Drazkowski - No, Senator Jasinski - No, Senator Koran - No, Senator Lang - No. 
Motion prevailed. 

Senator Murphy moved that S.F. 1424, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:36pm.

Senator Erin P. Murphy
Alexis Kise, Legislative Assistant