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Labor Committee
Thursday, March 23, 2023
12:30 PM, 1100 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Jennifer A. McEwen - Chair, Senator Grant Hauschild - Vice Chair, Senator Gene Dornink, Senator Glenn H. Gruenhagen, Senator Robert J. Kupec, Senator Bill Lieske, Senator John Marty, Senator Clare Oumou Verbeten, Senator Sandra L. Pappas, Senator Nathan Wesenberg

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Jennifer A. McEwen called the meeting to order at 1:05pm.

Call to Order

S.F. 2471: Senator Mohamed: Micro-unit dwellings authorization on religious properties.

Senator Zaynab Mohamed joined the witness stand to present Senate File 2471.


Senator Grant Hauschild moved the A-3 amendment.

            The motion carried along a voice vote and the amendment, adopted.


Senator Mohamed walked through S.F. 2471.


The following witnesses testified in favor of passing S.F. 2471, as amended:

            Anne Krisnik, Settled

            Leah Patton, Joint Religious Legislative Coalition

            Valerie Roy, Micro-unit resident

            Meredith Campbell, Sacred Settlement Mosaic

            Rev. Patricia Benson, Churches United in Ministry

            Tammy Walhof, Director, Lutheran Advocacy Minnesota




Chair Jen McEwen laid S.F. 2471 as amended, over for potential omnibus inclusion.

Senator McEwen moved that S.F. 2471, as amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. - MOTION CARRIED.

S.F. 2774: Senator McEwen: Elevator contractor licensing requirements modification for work on certain equipment.

1:31pm gavel is passed to Vice Chair Hauschild.


Senator McEwen joined the witness stand to present Senate File 2774.


Senator McEwen moved the A-1 amendment.

            The motion carried on a voice vote and the amendment, adopted.


Amos Briggs with Lockridge Grindle, on behalf of the International Union of Elevator Constructors joined the witness stand to testify in favor of S.F. 2774.




Chair Hauschild laid S.F. 2774 as amended, over for potential omnibus inclusion.


Senator Hauschild moved that S.F. 2774, as amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. - MOTION CARRIED.

S.F. 1384: Senator McEwen: Occupational Safety and Health Act citation data classification.

Senator McEwen joined the witness stand to present Senate File 1384.


Senator McEwen moved the A-5 Delete Everything Amendment.

            Senate Counsel Carlon Doyle Fontaine walked through the A-5 Delete Everything Amendment to S.F. 1384.


Senator McEwen moved the A-6 amendment to the A-5 amendment.

Meg Luger with Education Minnesota joined the witness stand to answer member questions.

Senator Gene Dornick requested a roll call vote.


2:08pm Chair Hauschild moved a brief recess.


Recess for 5 minutes.


2:13pm the following Senators voted in favor of adopting the A-6 amendment to the A-5 amendment:

Senator Hauschild, Senator McEwen, Senator Kupec, Senator Marty, Senator Oumou Verbeten, Senator Pappas.


The following Senators voted against adopting the A-6 amendment to the A-5 amendment:

Senator Dornink, Senator Gruenhagen, Senator Lieske, Senator Wesenberg.


There being 6 votes in favor, and 4 votes in opposition, the amendment to the amendment is adopted.


Senator McEwen moved the A-9 amendment to the A-5 amendment.

            The motion carried on a voice vote and the amendment to the amendment, adopted.


Senator McEwen moved the A-8 amendment to the A-5 amendment.

Karen Bugar, Prevailing Wage Supervisor at the Minnesota Department of Labor 

and Industry joined the witness stand to answer member questions.

            The motion carried on a voice vote and the amendment to the amendment, adopted.


Senator McEwen moved the A-10 amendment to the A-5 amendment.

            Senator Glenn Gruenhagen requested a roll call vote.


The following Senators voted in favor of adopting the A-10 amendment to the A-5 amendment:

Senator Hauschild, Senator McEwen, Senator Kupec, Senator Oumou Verbeten, Senator Pappas.


The following Senators voted against adopting the A-10 amendment to the A-5 amendment:

Senator Dornink, Senator Gruenhagen, Senator Lieske, Senator Wesenberg.


There being 5 votes in favor, and 4 votes in opposition, the amendment to the amendment is adopted.




Senator Gruenhagen moved the A-11 amendment to the A-5 amendment.

            The motion failed along a voice vote.


Senator McEwen moved the A-5 amendment.

            The motion carried on a voice vote and the amendment, adopted.


Senator McEwen moved that S.F. 1384 as amended, be recommended to pass and placed on General Orders.

            The motion carried along a voice vote.


Senator McEwen moved that S.F. 1384, as amended, recommended to pass and placed on the Consent Calendar. - MOTION CARRIED.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:56pm.

Senator Jennifer A. McEwen, Chair
Jack Fischer, Legislative Assistant