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Elections Committee
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
3:00 PM, 1200 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Jim Carlson - Chair, Senator Bonnie S. Westlin Vice Chair, Senator Bruce D. Anderson, Senator Calvin K. Bahr, Senator Liz Boldon, Senator Steve A. Cwodzinski, Senator Gene Dornink, Senator Mark W. Koran, Senator Warren Limmer, Senator John Marty, Senator Andrew Mathews, Senator Nicole Mitchell, Senator Ann H. Rest

Absent: Senator Lindsey Port

Senator Bonnie S. Westlin called the meeting to order at 3:06 PM.

Call to Order

S.F. 1362: Senator Carlson: Elections technical and clarifying changes.

Senator Carlson
Senator Carlson moved the A3 Author's Amendment. By a voice vote, the motion prevailed, and the A3 Author's Amendment was adopted.
A4 Amendment
Senator Koran moved the A4 Amendment.
Alexis Stangl, Elections Committee Counsel
Matt Hilgart, Representing the Association of Minnesota Counties
Alex Hassel, Representing the League of Minnesota Cities
Senator Koran moved an Oral Amendment to the A4 Amendment. On line 2.27, delete "poling" and insert "polling". By a voice vote, the motion prevailed, and the Oral Amendment to the A4 Amendment was adopted. By a voice vote, the A4 Amendment was adopted.
Senator Carlson moved that SF 1362, as amended, be laid over. By a voice vote, the motion prevailed.

Senator Carlson moved that S.F. 1362, as amended, be laid over. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 1943: Senator Carlson: Campaign finance provisions modifications.

Senator Carlson
Jeff Sigurdson, Executive Director, Campaign Finance Board
Senator Carlson moved the A1 Author's Amendment. By a voice vote, the A1 Author's Amendment was adopted.
Senator Westlin moved that SF 1943, as amended, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee. By a voice vote, the motion prevailed.

After the voice vote, Senator Westlin returned the gavel to Senator Carlson.

Senator Westlin moved that S.F. 1943, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 749: Senator Westlin: Requirement modification related to the ordering of candidates for partisan offices on the state general election ballot.

Senator Westlin
Alexis Stangl, Elections Committee Counsel
Nicole Freeman, Government Relations Director, Office of the Secretary of State
Senator Westlin moved the A1 Author's Amendment. By a voice vote, the motion prevailed, and the A1 Author's Amendment was adopted.
Senator Westlin moved that SF 749, as amended, be recommended to pass and placed on general orders. Senator Koran requested a roll call and a roll call was granted. 
Senator Carlson - Yea
Senator Westlin - Yea
Senator Koran - Nay
Senator Anderson - Nay
Senator Bahr - Nay
Senator Boldon - Yea
Senator Cwodzinski - Yea
Senator Dornink - Nay
Senator Limmer - Nay
Senator Marty - Yea
Senator Mathews - Nay
Senator Mitchell - Yea
Senator Port - Absent
Senator Rest - Yea
By a roll call vote of 7 Yeas, 6 Nays, and 1 Absence, the motion prevailed.


Senator Westlin moved that S.F. 749, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 PM.

Senator Jim Carlson, Chair
Taylor Spreeman, Legislative Assistant