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Elections Committee
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
3:00 PM, 1200 Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Jim Carlson - Chair, Senator Bonnie S. Westlin Vice Chair, Senator Calvin K. Bahr, Senator Liz Boldon, Senator Steve A. Cwodzinski, Senator Gene Dornink, Senator Mark W. Koran, Senator Warren Limmer, Senator John Marty, Senator Andrew Mathews, Senator Nicole Mitchell, Senator Lindsey Port, Senator Ann H. Rest

Absent: Senator Bruce D. Anderson

Senator Jim Carlson called the meeting to order at 3:04 PM.

Call to order

S.F. 1193: Senator Gustafson: Trainee election judges service until reaching the age of 18 authorization.

Senator Gustafson
Caryn Sheel, representing Minneapolis Elections
Senator Carlson moved that SF 1193 be laid over. By a voice vote, the motion prevailed.

Senator Carlson moved that S.F. 1193, be laid over. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 1463: Senator Putnam: Multiple unit residential facilities requirement to permit candidates and volunteers to access the facility for the purpose of travelling door-to-door to speak with individual residents.

Senator Putnam
Siya Sakhardande, Government and Legislative Affairs State Coordinator, University of Minnesota Undergraduate Student Government
Senator Westlin moved the A2 Author's Amendment. By a voice vote, the motion prevailed, and the A2 Author's Amendment was adopted.
Senator Westlin moved that SF 1463, as amended, be laid over. By a voice vote, the motion prevailed.

Senator Westlin moved that S.F. 1463, as amended, be laid over. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 1515: Senator Putnam: Postsecondary student voter registration provisions modification.

Senator Putnam
(zoom) Robin Wonsley, Minneapolis City Council Member
Karina Villeda, Vice President, LeadMN
Siya Sakhardande, Government and Legislative Affairs State Coordinator, University of Minnesota Undergraduate Student Government
Senator Mitchell moved that SF 1515, as amended, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Higher Education Committee. Senator Koran requested a roll call vote.
Senator Carlson - Yea
Senator Westlin - Yea
Senator Koran - Nay
Senator Anderson - Absent
Senator Bahr - Nay
Senator Boldon - Yea
Senator Cwodzinski - Yea
Senator Dornink - Nay
Senator Limmer - Nay
Senator Marty - Yea
Senator Mathews - Nay
Senator Mitchell - Yea
Senator Port - Yea
Senator Rest - Yea
With a roll call vote of 8 Yeas, 5 Nays, and 1 Absence, the motion prevailed.


Senator Mitchell moved that S.F. 1515, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Higher Education Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 1507: Senator Mitchell: Intimidation prohibition of election officials.

Senator Mitchell
Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon
Michelle Witte, Executive Director, League of Women Voters of Minnesota
Mark Halvorson, Founder, Citizens for Election Integrity Minnesota
Dane Smith, Representin Clean Elections Minnesota
Nicole Freeman, Government Relations Director, Office of the Secretary of State
Senator Mitchell moved the A2 Author's Amendment. By a voice vote, the motion prevailed, and the A2 Author's Amendment was adopted.
Senator Boldon moved that SF 1507, as amended, by recommended to pass and re-referred to the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee. Senator Koran requested a roll call.
Senator Carlson - Yea
Senator Westlin - Yea
Senator Koran - Nay
Senator Anderson - Absent
Senator Bahr - Nay
Senator Boldon - Yea
Senator Cwodzinski - Yea
Senator Dornink - Nay
Senator Limmer - Nay
Senator Marty - Yea
Senator Mathews - Nay
Senator Mitchell - Yea
Senator Port - Yea
Senator Rest - Yea
By a roll call vote of 8 Yeas and 5 Nays and 1 Absence, the motion prevailed.

Senator Boldon moved that S.F. 1507, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Judiciary and Public Safety Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:16 PM.

Senator Jim Carlson, Chair
Taylor Spreeman, Legislative Assistant