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Civil Law and Data Practices Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 29, 2022
1:00 PM, Room G-15, Capitol


Present: Senator Andrew Mathews - Chair, Senator Warren Limmer - Vice Chair, Senator Bruce D. Anderson, Senator Karla Bigham, Senator Jim Carlson, Senator Mark Johnson, Senator Ron Latz, Senator Torrey N. Westrom

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Andrew Mathews called the meeting to order at 1:10pm. A quorum was present.

S.F. 3176: Senator Wiklund: Programs modification for people with mental illness and developmental disabilities.

Senator Wiklund presents SF3176.

Senator Bigham moves to adopt A-2 amendment.

Motion prevails.

            Carrie Briones, Dept. of Human Services, testifies

            Dr. Soniya Hirachan, Dept. of Human Services, testifies

Senator Bigham moves SF3176, as amended, be recommended to pass, and be re-referred to the Senate Human Services Reform Committee.

Motion prevails.


Senator Bigham moved that S.F. 3176, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Human Services Reform Finance and Policy Committee.

S.F. 3665: Senator Koran: Data classification in the statewide voter registration system.

Senator Koran presents SF3665.

            Nicole Freeman, Office of the Secretary of State, testifies

Senator Anderson moves to adopt oral amendment

Page 1 Line 18, after the colon, insert “any identifying information related to a minor,”

Motion prevails.

Senator Johnson moves SF3665, as amended, be recommended to pass, and move to general orders.

Motion prevails.


Senator Johnson moved that S.F. 3665, as amended, be recommended to pass.

S.F. 2352: Senator Johnson: Uniform Registration of Canadian Money Judgements Act.

Senator Johnson presents SF2352.

Senator Johnson moves to adopt A-1 amendment.

Motion prevails.

            Bob Tennessen, Uniform Law Commissioner, testifies

Senator Johnson moves SF2352, as amended, be recommended to pass, and move to general orders.

Motion prevails.


Senator Johnson moved that S.F. 2352, as amended, be recommended to pass.

S.F. 3853: Senator Johnson: Certain emancipated minors permission to seek harassment restraining orders on their own behalf.

Senator Johnson presents SF3853.

Senator Johnson moves to adopt A-1 amendment.

Motion prevails.

            Ron Elwood, Legal Aid, testifies

Senator Johnson moves SF3853, as amended, be recommended to pass, and move to general orders.

Motion prevails.


Committee recesses at 2:32pm.


S.F. 3469: Senator Kiffmeyer: Election provisions modifications and appropriations.

Chair Mathews resumes committee at 5:42pm.


Senator Kiffmeyer presents SF3469.

Senator Limmer moves to adopt A-3 amendment.

Motion prevails.

Senator Limmer moves to adopt A-4 amendment.

Motion prevails.

            Troy Olson, MN Assn. of County Officers, testifies

Senator Johnson moves SF3469, as amended, be recommended to pass, and be re-referred to the Senate State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee.

Motion prevails.


Senator Johnson moved that S.F. 3469, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee.

S.F. 3933: Senator Chamberlain: Social media algorithms that target children prohibition.

Senator Chamberlain presents SF3933.

Senator Limmer moves to adopt A-4 amendment.

Motion prevails.

            Carl Szabo, NetChoice, testifies

            Dr. Bryn Austin, testifies

            Maree Hampton, LiveMoreScreenLess, testifies

            Josh Golin, Fair Play, testifies

*Gavel passes to Senator Limmer

            Maya Mackenzie, Entertainment Software Assn., testifies

*Gavel passes to Senator Mathews

            Tyler Smith, Chamber of Progress, testifies

            Maggie Becker, Minnesota Catholic Conference, testifies

            Tyler Diers, Technet, testifies

Senator Johnson moves SF3933, as amended, be recommended to pass, and move to general orders.

Motion prevails.


Senator Johnson moved that S.F. 3933, as amended, be recommended to pass.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:42pm.

Senator Andrew Mathews, Chair
Matthew Noonan, Legislative Assistant