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Education Finance and Policy Committee
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
3:00 PMLivestream YouTube


Present: Senator Roger C. Chamberlain - Chair, Senator Justin D. Eichorn Vice Chair, Senator Julia E. Coleman, Senator Steve Cwodzinski, Senator Zach Duckworth, Senator Jason Isaacson, Senator Mary K. Kunesh, Senator Scott J. Newman, Senator Charles W. Wiger

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Roger C. Chamberlain called the meeting to order at 3:07

S.F. 3956: Senator Chamberlain: Lead testing and remediation requirements modification in schools.

Senator Chamberlain presented SF 3956

Be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Health and Human Services Finance and Policy Committee.

S.F. 3745: Senator Duckworth: School board and nonpublic school permission to enter into an agreement for nonpublic school student transportation.

Senator Duckworth presented SF3745.


Jason Adkins, MN Catholic Conference

Father Ralph Talbot, White Bear Lake

Shane Hoefer

Be recommended to pass.

S.F. 495: Senator Rarick: Former landfills schools construction prohibition.

Senator Rarick offered the a-1 495, it was adopted on a voice vote. Senator Rarick presented SF 495, as amended

Testifiers: Larry Lanou

Wayne Sarappo

As amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Environment and Natural Resources Finance Committee.

S.F. 3052: Senator Cwodzinski: Menstrual products access provided by school districts requirement; operating capital revenue to fund school district purchases of menstrual products increase; appropriating money.

Senator Chamberlain took SF 3052 off the table Senator Cwodzinski offered oral amendemnt to delete on the SS3052a-2 on line 9, delete $23,137and insert $23,145.

Senator Cwodzinski moved that SF 3052 as amended be approved and moved to Finance. 

As amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:50

Senator Roger C. Chamberlain, Chair
Judith Donovan, Legislative Assistant