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Civil Law and Data Practices Policy Committee
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
1:00 PMLivestream YouTube


Present: Senator Andrew Mathews - Chair, Senator Warren Limmer - Vice Chair, Senator Bruce D. Anderson, Senator Karla Bigham, Senator Jim Carlson, Senator Mark Johnson, Senator Ron Latz, Senator Torrey N. Westrom

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Andrew Mathews called the meeting to order at 1:06pm. A quorum was present.

S.F. 182: Senator Rarick: Medical assistance welfare data destruction by responsible authorities requirement.

Senator Rarick moves to offer SF0182.

                Richard Rayburn, Willow River, testifies

                Scott Killerud, Willow River, testifies

                Ann Bobst, MN Dept. of Human Services, testifies

Geneva Finn, MN DHS special recovery unit, testifies

Senator Mathews moves to lay SF0182 on the table.


Senator Mathews moved that S.F. 182, be laid on the table.

S.F. 3087: Senator Bigham: Various provisions governing or administered by the secretary of state modification.

Senator Bigham moves to offer SF 3087.

                Nicole Freeman, Office of MN Secretary of State—Dir. Govt Affairs, testifies

                Amber Bougie, County Recorder—Hennepin County, testifies

                Julie Strother, Deputy Secretary of State of MN, testifies


Senator Bigham moves SF 3087, be recommended to pass and move to general orders.

Senator Bigham moves for a roll call vote and to record in Senate journal.

                Motion prevails.

Senator Westrom moves to lay SF 3087 on the table.

Senator Westrom moves for a roll call vote.

                Motion prevails.

Senator Latz moves that the roll call be recorded in the Senate Journal.

                Motion prevails.

Roll call is taken and the motion to lay SF 3087 on the table prevails.

                Yeas: Mathews, Limmer, Anderson, Johnson, Westrom

                Nays: Bigham, Carlson, Latz


Senator Westrom moved that S.F. 3087, be laid on the table.

S.F. 3063: Senator Ruud: Snowmobile and off-highway vehicle provisions violations civil penalties increase.

Senator Rudd moves to offer SF 3063

Senator Rudd moves to adopt A-2 amendment

Motion prevails.

                Doug Franzen, testifies

                Robert Gorecki, Dept. Natural Resources-Conservation Officer, testifies

Senator Limmer moves SF 3063, as amended, be recommended to pass and move to general orders.

The motion prevails.

Senator Limmer moved that S.F. 3063, as amended, be recommended to pass.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:54pm.

Senator Andrew Mathews, Chair
Matthew Noonan, Legislative Assistant