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Local Government Committee
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
8:30 AM, Room 1100, Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Dan D. Hall - Chair, Senator Bruce D. Anderson - Vice Chair, Senator John R. Jasinski, Senator Carolyn Laine, Senator Andrew Mathews, Senator David J. Osmek, Senator Jerry Relph, Senator Patricia Torres Ray, Senator Charles W. Wiger, Senator Melissa H. Wiklund

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Dan D. Hall called the meeting to order at 8:31 A.M.

S.F. 373: Senator Housley: County board commissioner vacancy filling by appointment authorization.

As discussed, laid over.

S.F. 870: Senator Fischbach: National Night Out local government expenditures and fundraising authorization.

Senator Anderson moved that S.F. 870, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 261: Senator Mathews: Benton county recorder office appointment authorization.

Senator Mathews moved that S.F. 261, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 1012: Senator Relph: Stearns county recorder office appointive authorization.

Senator Relph moved that S.F. 1012, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 592: Senator Lourey: Pine county auditor-treasurer appointment authorization.

Senator Wiklund moved that S.F. 592, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 692: Senator Lourey: Cloquet area fire and ambulance taxing district modifications.

Senator Wiklund moved that S.F. 692, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Taxes Committee. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 1020: Senator Hall: Awards and trophies purchase spending cap elimination.

Senator Hall moved that S.F. 1020, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION ADOPTED.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:36 A.M.

Senator Dan D. Hall, Chair
Ryan Altman, Legislative Assistant