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Health, Human Services and Housing Committee
Monday, April 4, 2016
12 Noon, Room 1200, Minnesota Senate Bldg.


Present: Senator Kathy Sheran - Chair, Senator Melissa H. Wiklund Vice Chair, Senator Michelle R. Benson, Senator Chris A. Eaton, Senator Jeff Hayden, Senator John A. Hoffman, Senator Tony Lourey, Senator John Marty, Senator Carla J. Nelson, Senator Sean R. Nienow, Senator Julie A. Rosen

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Kathy Sheran called the meeting to order at 12:07 p.m.

S.F. 3208: Senator Jensen: Legislative task force on child care establishment.

Senator Wiklund moved that S.F. 3208, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the . - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2710: Senator Hayden: Chemical dependency treatment payment and reimbursement requirements modifications; treatment facility placement consideration clarification.

Senator Hayden moved that S.F. 2710, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2498: Senator Hayden: Co-occurring mental health and chemical dependency disorders screening modification.

Senator Hayden moved that S.F. 2498, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2548: Senator Rosen: 90-day supply of prescription drug dispensed by pharmacist authorization.

Senator Rosen moved that S.F. 2548, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 3017: Senator Hoffman: Residential hospice facilities children needing respite or palliative care inclusion.

Senator Hoffman moved that S.F. 3017, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:37 p.m.

Senator Kathy Sheran, Chair
Alec Mitchell, Legislative Assistant