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Capital Investment Committee
Thursday, May 7, 2015
8:30 AM, Room 107, Capitol


Present: Senator LeRoy A. Stumpf - Chair, Senator Bev Scalze - Vice Chair, Senator Bobby Joe Champion, Senator Richard Cohen, Senator Kent Eken, Senator Jeff Hayden, Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen, Senator James P. Metzen, Senator Carla J. Nelson, Senator Scott J. Newman, Senator Sandra L. Pappas, Senator Matt Schmit, Senator David H. Senjem, Senator Katie Sieben, Senator Dan Sparks, Senator David J. Tomassoni

Absent: Senator Mary Kiffmeyer, Senator Jeremy R. Miller, Senator John C. Pederson, Senator Julie A. Rosen

Senator LeRoy A. Stumpf called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m. S.F. 1989 Stumpf changed to first on the agenda. Motion: Senator Stumpf moved to put the A-3 amendment before the committee. Motion passed. Stephanie James - Senate Counsel explained the bill. S.F. 1989 recessed S.F. 1784 - Rest introduced her bill to the committee. Motion: Senator Metzen moved to put the A-6 amendment before the committee. Motion passed. Senator Rest continued testifying. Beth Frazer - Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans. Senator Nelson suggested a recording process - how many waivers. No action taken. Rick Nelson - President, Loop Minnesota Discussed issues with hearing anything in a committee room - this LOOP technology is necessary. Speech recognition is so much better. S.F. 1784 as amended was laid over. Nancy Johnson - MN Human Services Director MN Sex Offender Program explained a portion of the bill Sec 7 Subd 3 to members. Gery Cerkvenik - Virginia Public Utilities - discussed Highway 53 -Page 11 line 11.24. This appropriation does not require a nonstate match which Senator Nelson discussed.

S.F. 1784: Senator Rest: Needs of hearing-impaired people capital improvement projects inclusion requirement.

As amended, be laid over.

S.F. 1989: Senator Stumpf: Prior appropriations for certain grants from general obligation bond proceeds modifications and corrections.

As amended, be laid over.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 a.m.

Senator LeRoy A. Stumpf, Chair
Jeri Wenzel, Legislative Assistant