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Health, Human Services and Housing Committee
Monday, March 10, 2014
12 Noon, Room 15, Capitol


Present: Senator Kathy Sheran - Chair, Senator Melissa H. Wiklund Vice Chair, Senator Michelle R. Benson, Senator Chris A. Eaton, Senator Jeff Hayden, Senator John A. Hoffman, Senator Tony Lourey, Senator John Marty, Senator Carla J. Nelson, Senator Sean R. Nienow, Senator Julie A. Rosen

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Kathy Sheran called the meeting to order at 12:05pm. We do not have a quorum at this time. A quorum was established at 12:10pm.

S.F. 1807: Senator Saxhaug: Military members expedited licensing processing requirement by state agencies and professional licensing boards.

Senator Lourey moved that S.F. 1807, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the . - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 2187: Senator Franzen: Health care homes advisory committee establishment.

Senator Rosen moved that S.F. 2187, as amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 2309: Senator Clausen: Local public health system provisions modifications.

Senator Hayden moved that S.F. 2309, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the . - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 2240: Senator Hoffman: Northstar care for children program modification; children and family services provisions modifications.

Senator Sheran moved that S.F. 2240, as amended and referred to the . - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 2134: Senator Rosen: Prescription monitoring program modifications.

Senator Rosen moved that S.F. 2134, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the . - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 2135: Senator Rosen: Pharmacy board policy provisions modifications and clarifications; controlled substances schedules modification.

Senator Sheran moved that S.F. 2135, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the . - MOTION ADOPTED.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:35pm. Committee is in recess until 6pm tonight.

Senator Kathy Sheran, Chair
Sarah Paige, Legislative Assistant