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Education Committee
Thursday, March 14, 2013
12 Noon, Room 112, Capitol


Present: Senator Patricia Torres Ray - Chair, Senator Kevin L. Dahle - Vice Chair, Senator Jim Carlson, Senator Roger C. Chamberlain, Senator Greg D. Clausen, Senator Melisa Franzen, Senator Alice M. Johnson, Senator Susan Kent, Senator Carla J. Nelson, Senator Sean R. Nienow, Senator Branden Petersen, Senator Carrie Ruud, Senator Dave Thompson, Senator Charles W. Wiger, Senator Melissa H. Wiklund

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Torres Ray called to meeting to order at 12:07 p.m. A quorum is present. SF 978-Torres Ray Omnibus Policy Bill Senator Johnson moves the A 3 (delete all) amendment. MOTION PREVAILED Senator Dahle moves the A 5 amendment. MOTION PREVAILED Senator Johnson moves the A 7 amendment. MOTION PREVAILED Senator Nelson moves the A 15. Senator Nelson requests a roll call. Senator Nelson withdraws her request for a roll call. MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL Senator Petersen moves the A 18 amendment. Senator Petersen requests a roll call on this motion. Nelson moves an oral amendment to the A 18 amendment to insert ‘kindergarten through grade 4’ on page 2 after the second word ‘a’ and similarly in line 4.35. In addition to insert ‘if another satisfactory teacher is available’ on page 2, line 34 after the word ‘teacher’ and in page 4 line 36 after the word ‘teacher.’ MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL Senator Petersen moves to reconsider Senator Nelson’s oral amendment. Senator Petersen withdraws his motion to reconsider Senator Nelson’s oral amendment. Ayes: Nelson, Chamberlain, Kent, Nienow, Petersen, Thompson, Wiklund. Nays: Torres Ray, Dahle, Carlson, Clausen, Franzen, Johnson, Ruud, Wiger With 7 Ayes and 8 Nays, MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL Senator Thompson moves the A 8 amendment. Senator Thompson requests a roll call. Senator Thompson withdraws the A 8 amendment. Senator Wiger moves the A 9 amendment the MOTION PREVAILED Senator Thompson moves the A 8 and requests a roll call. Ayes: Dahle, Nelson, Carlson, Chamberlain, Clausen, Nienow, Petersen, Thompson Nayes: Torres Ray, Franzen, Johnson, Kent, Wiger, Wiklund. With 8 Ayes and 6 Nays, MOTION PREVAILED Sen Peterson withdraws the A 6 amendment. Senator Nelson moves the A 12 amendment. MOTION PREVAILED Senator Nienow moves the A 13 amendment. MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL Senator Nelson moves the A 17 amendment. Senator Chamberlain offers an oral amendment to strike section 27 in page 3 of the A 17 amendment. The motion prevails and Senator Chamberlain’s oral amendment is adopted. Senator Nelson moves the A 17 amendment as amended. Motion prevails and amendment is adopted. Committee recess at 3:10 p.m. Committee reconvenes at 5:45 p.m. Senator Bonoff moves S.F. 836, Charter school contracts accountability measures expansion. Testifiers: 1. Al Fan, Executive Director, Charter School Partners Motion does not prevail. Senator Petersen calls for a division. Division 4 ayes and 5 nayes and. Senator MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL Senator Chamberlain moves the A 11 amendment to SF 978. Senator Chamberlain requests a roll call. Ayes: Nelson, Chamberlain, Nienow, Petersen, Thompson Nay: Torres Ray, Dahle, Carlson, Franzen, Clausen, Johnson, Kent, Wiger, Wiklund Absent: Ruud With 5 Ayes, 9 Nayes MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL Senator Wiger moves the A 4 amendment. MOTION PREVAILED Senator Torres Ray moves the A16 amendment. Senator Torres Ray withdraws the A 16 amendment. Senator Wiger moves to reconsider the A 8 amendment. MOTION PREVAILED Senator Wiger moves the A 19 amendment with the oral amendment to delete ‘between 16 and 18’ insert ‘who is’ on page 1, line 6. MOTION PREVAILED Senator Torres Ray moves the A 16 amendment. Senator Torres Ray withdraws the amendment. Senator Torres Ray moves SF 978 to be recommended to pass as amended and be re-referred to Education Finance. Senator Nelson requested a roll call. Ayes: Clausen, Torres Ray, Franzen, Wiger, Wiklund, Dahle, Carlson, Johnson, Kent Nayes Nelson, Chamberlain, Nienow, Petersen, Thompson Absent: Ruud With 9 Ayes , 5 Nayes, MOTION PREVAILED

S.F. 978: Senator Torres Ray: Early childhood through grade 12 education policies modifications.

Senator Torres Ray moved that S.F. 978, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 836: Senator Bonoff: Charter school contracts accountability measures expansion.

Senator Torres Ray moved that S.F. 836, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION FAILED.

The Meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.

Senator Patricia Torres Ray, Chair
Blanca Martinez Gavina, Legislative Assistant