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Environment, Economic Development and Agriculture Division
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
12 Noon, Room 107, Capitol


Present: Senator David J. Tomassoni - Chair, Senator Foung Hawj - Vice Chair, Senator D. Scott Dibble, Senator Kari Dziedzic, Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen, Senator David J. Osmek, Senator Carrie Ruud, Senator Tom Saxhaug, Senator Bev Scalze, Senator Matt Schmit, Senator Rod Skoe, Senator Dan Sparks, Senator Bill Weber, Senator Torrey N. Westrom

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator David J. Tomassoni called the meeting to order at 12:15 p.m.

S.F. 94: Senator Sheran: Minnesota State Mankato arena and events center auditorium/convention expansion grant bond issue and appropriation.

S.F. 127: Senator Ruud: Brainerd area civic center accessibility improvement bond issue and appropriation.

S.F. 108: Senator Wiger: Twin Cities water supplies protection department of natural resources (DNR) and United States Geological Survey contract appropriation.

S.F. 497: Senator Chamberlain: Northeast Twin Cities metropolitan area water supplies and lakes protection appropriations.

S.F. 244: Senator Wiger: Groundwater monitoring wells installation bond issue and appropriation.

S.F. 317: Senator Tomassoni: Virginia relocation of utilities and trails grants appropriation and bond issue.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.

Senator David J. Tomassoni, Chair
Laura Bakk, Legislative Assistant