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Jobs and Economic Growth Committee
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
10:30 AM, Room 107, Capitol


Present: Senator Richard Cohen, Senator Theodore J. "Ted" Daley, Senator Al DeKruif, Senator John Howe, Senator Kenneth S. Kelash, Senator Ted H. Lillie, Senator Carla J. Nelson, Senator John C. Pederson, Senator Patricia Torres Ray

Absent: Senator James P. Metzen, Senator Geoff Michel, Senator Jeremy R. Miller, Senator David J. Tomassoni

Senator Ted Lillie called the meeting to order 10:34am.

S.F. 1130: Senator Pederson: Unemployment insurance and workforce development provisions modifications.

Senator Pederson moved that S.F. 1130, as amended, be recommended to pass.

H.F. 664: Senator Metzen: Elevator code changes compliance timeline modification.

Senator Metzen moved that H.F. 664, not heard.

H.F. 569: Senator DeKruif: Well contractor licensing requirements modifications.

Senator Daley moved that H.F. 569, be recommended to pass.

H.F. 529: Senator Magnus: Agricultural building roof panels equivalent load bearing capacity requirement.

Senator Howe moved that H.F. 529, be recommended to pass.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:00am.

Senator Ted H. Lillie, Chair
Emily Pugh, Legislative Assistant