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Jobs and Economic Growth Committee
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
10:30 AM, Room 107, Capitol


Present: Senator Theodore J. "Ted" Daley, Senator Al DeKruif, Senator John Howe, Senator Kenneth S. Kelash, Senator Ted H. Lillie, Senator James P. Metzen, Senator Geoff Michel, Senator Jeremy R. Miller, Senator Carla J. Nelson, Senator John C. Pederson, Senator David J. Tomassoni, Senator Patricia Torres Ray

Absent: Senator Richard Cohen

Senator Geoff Michel called the meeting to order at 10:30am. Senator Ted Lillie briefly chaired the meeting at 10:45am Senator James Metzen briefly chaired the meeting at 11:46am. Sentor Geoff Michel chaired the meeting at 11:58am. Senator Ted Lillie briefly chaired the meeting again at 11:47am.

S.F. 694: Senator Tomassoni: Opportunities industrialization centers appropriation.

Senator Michel moved that S.F. 694, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 783: Senator Lillie: Enterprise Minnesota, Inc. small business growth acceleration program grant appropriation.

Senator Metzen moved that S.F. 783, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 803: Senator Howe: Small business loan guarantee program establishment and appropriation.

Senator Howe moved that S.F. 803, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 800: Senator Harrington: St. Paul summer youth employment program appropriation.

Senator Michel moved that S.F. 800, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 761: Senator Torres Ray: Neighborhood development center appropriation.

Senator Michel moved that S.F. 761, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

S.F. 790: Senator Metzen: Small business investment tax credit provisions modifications.

Senator Lillie moved that S.F. 790, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:02pm.

Senator Geoff Michel, Chair
Emily Pugh, Legislative Assistant