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Taxes Committee
Thursday, March 11, 2010
8:30 AM, Room 15, Capitol


Present: Senator Thomas M. Bakk - Chair, Senator Rod Skoe Vice Chair, Senator D. Scott Dibble, Senator Debbie J. Johnson, Senator Warren Limmer, Senator John Marty, Senator Mee Moua, Senator Julianne E. Ortman, Senator Lawrence J. Pogemiller, Senator Linda Scheid, Senator David H. Senjem

Absent: Senator Keith Langseth, Senator Ann H. Rest

Senator Rod Skoe called the meeting to order at 8:45 AM.

S.F. 2435: Senator Erickson Ropes: Unallotted local government aid (LGA) payment requirement.

Senator Skoe moved that S.F. 2435, be laid over and maybe considered for omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2542: Senator Murphy: St. Charles disaster aid authorization.

Senator Skoe moved that S.F. 2542, as amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2334: Senator Murphy: Purchases for resale subsequently donated to charities sales tax exemption.

Senator Skoe moved that S.F. 2334, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2599: Senator Erickson Ropes: Wisconsin reciprocity agreement for individual income tax extension.

Senator Skoe moved that S.F. 2599, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 3017: Senator Saltzman: Minnesota and Wisconsin departments of revenue income tax reciprocity study requirement.

Senator Skoe moved that S.F. 3017, as amended, laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2745: Senator Fobbe: Minnesota agricultural property tax law (Green Acres) program withdrawal deadline extension.

Senator Dibble moved that S.F. 2745, be recommended to pass. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2299: Senator Clark: Regional wastewater treatment facility construction material and equipment sales tax exemption.

Senator Skoe moved that S.F. 2299, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

S.F. 2606: Senator Bonoff: Hydroelectric generating facility construction sales tax exemption extension.

Senator Pogemiller moved that S.F. 2606, be laid over for possible inclusion in the omnibus bill. - MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 AM.

Senator Thomas M. Bakk, Chair
Julie Bayerl, Legislative Assistant