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Environment and Natural Resources Committee
Monday, April 6, 2009
12:30 PM, Room 107, Capitol


Present: Senator Satveer S. Chaudhary - Chair, Senator Dan Skogen Vice Chair, Senator Ellen R. Anderson, Senator D. Scott Dibble, Senator Steve Dille, Senator Lisa A. Fobbe, Senator Dennis R. Frederickson, Senator Bill G. Ingebrigtsen, Senator Kenneth S. Kelash, Senator Gen Olson, Senator Pat Pariseau, Senator Tom Saxhaug, Senator Kathy Sheran, Senator Katie Sieben, Senator LeRoy A. Stumpf, Senator Jim Vickerman

Absent: No Members Absent

Senator Satveer S. Chaudhary called the meeting to order at 1:25 p.m. The meeting recessed at 3:00 p.m. and reconvened at 6:30 p.m.

S.F. 576: Senator Betzold: Game and fish lottery and drawing preferences provisions for military service members expansion.

Senator Chaudhary moved that S.F. 576, be laid over and maybe considered for omnibus bill.

S.F. 1956: Senator Dibble: Metro transit diesel bus idling reduction device grants.

Senator Dibble moved that S.F. 1956, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 747: Senator Rest: Shoreland areas nonconforming lots regulation.

Senator Saxhaug moved that S.F. 747, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the . - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 1698: Senator Saxhaug: Water rulemaking moratorium; clean water legacy council study group and appropriation; legislative water commission establishment.

Senator Saxhaug moved that S.F. 1698, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 1773: Senator Saxhaug: County waste management reporting requirements modifications.

Senator Saxhaug moved that S.F. 1773, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 1203: Senator Koering: Diesel truck idling reduction device grant program.

Senator Dibble moved that S.F. 1203, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 1663: Senator Sieben: Minnesota naturalist corps establishment and appropriation.

Senator Sieben moved that S.F. 1663, be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 1940: Senator Anderson: Pollution control agency (PCA) fee assessment and environmental review cost payment modification.

Senator Anderson moved that S.F. 1940, be laid on the table.

S.F. 1323: Senator Sheran: Infectious waste control act modification.

Senator Sheran moved that S.F. 1323, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION ADOPTED.

S.F. 1804: Senator Fobbe: Rum river wild and scenic river area land removal.

Senator Chaudhary moved that S.F. 1804, be laid on the table.

S.F. 1116: Senator Chaudhary: Game and fish and aquaculture provisions modifications.

Senator Saxhaug moved that S.F. 1116, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the Finance Committee. - MOTION ADOPTED.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Senator Satveer S. Chaudhary, Chair
Mary Bebus, Legislative Assistant