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Judiciary Committee
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
3:00 PM, Room 112, Capitol


Present: Senator Mee Moua - Chair, Senator Mary A. Olson Vice Chair, Senator Don Betzold, Senator Leo T. Foley, Senator Linda Higgins, Senator Warren Limmer, Senator Julianne E. Ortman, Senator Linda Scheid

Absent: Senator Thomas M. Neuville

Senator Mee Moua called the meeting to order at 3:09 PM. Quorum was reached at 3:09 PM.

S.F. 1242: Senator Limmer: MINNCOR industries provisions modifications and clarifications.

Senator Limmer moved that S.F. 1242, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the . - MOTION CARRIED.

S.F. 1119: Senator Saxhaug: Land acquisition, landowner bill of rights and mineral interests requirements modifications; state parks additions and deletion; state land sales, easement conveyances, exchange and lease provisions.

Senator Olson moved that S.F. 1119, be recommended to pass. - MOTION CARRIED.

S.F. 1336: Senator Sheran: Mental health professionals service to inmates.

Senator Higgins moved that S.F. 1336, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION CARRIED.

S.F. 1157: Senator Foley: CriMNet task force modifications; drivers license photographs criminal justice use restrictions; integrated search service inquiries authority.

Senator Foley moved that S.F. 1157, as amended, recommended to pass and re-referred to the . - MOTION CARRIED.

S.F. 1051: Senator Moua: Uniform Environmental Covenants Act.

Senator Foley moved that S.F. 1051, as amended, be recommended to pass. - MOTION CARRIED.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:39 PM. Minutes respectfully submitted:

Senator Mee Moua, Chair
Sheila Xiong, Legislative Assistant