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Jobs and Economic Growth Finance and Policy Committee
Monday, March 21, 2022
3:00 PM, Room G-23, Capitol


Present: Senator Eric R. Pratt - Chair, Senator Karin Housley - Vice Chair, Senator Bobby Joe Champion, Senator Rich Draheim, Senator Foung Hawj, Senator Ann M. Johnson Stewart, Senator Jason Rarick, Senator Paul J. Utke

Absent: Senator Aric Putnam

Senator Eric R. Pratt called the meeting to order at 3:03pm

S.F. 585: Senator Dornink: Redevelopment grants, demolition loans, Minnesota Investment Fund, and job creation fund appropriation.

  • SF585 moved before the committee.

-Senator Draheim moved the A1 author’s amendment, passed on voice vote

-Senator Dornink presented SF585

-Sam Richie testified

-Eric Van Oss testified

-Jeff Jones testified

-Tom Shaver testified

-Senator Dornink gave closing remarks

-SF585 was laid over for possible inclusion


As amended, laid over and may become part of omnibus bill.

S.F. 84: Senator Mathews: Lake Mille Lacs area economic relief program loans forgiveness.

  • SF 84 moved before the committee

-Senator Mathews presented the bill

-Mike Wimmer testified

-Senator Mathews gave closing remarks

-SF84 was laid over for possible inclusion


Be laid over.

S.F. 4072: Senator Bakk: Separation and retention incentive programs authorization for employees of the Department of Iron Range Resources and Rehabilitation.

  • SF4072 moved before the committee

-Senator Bakk presented the bill

-Senator Draheim moved that the bill be recommended to pass and referred to State Gov., the motion passed on voice vote


Be recommended to pass and re-referred to the State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee.

S.F. 919: Senator Pratt: Employee notice requirements by employers.

  • SF919 moved before the committee

-Senator Pratt presented the bill

-Senator Pratt/Housley? Moved the A-2 amendment, adopted on voice vote

-Justin Terch testified 

-Bob Nuss testified

-Todd Hill testified

-Lauryn Schothorst testified 

-Kimberly Lewis testified

-John Reynolds testified

-Megan Hennen testified

-Adam Duininck testified

-Roslyn Robertson testified

-Senator Pratt gave closing comments

-The bill was laid over for possible inclusion 


As amended, laid over and may become part of omnibus bill.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:02pm

Senator Eric R. Pratt, Chair
Spencer Johnson, Legislative Assistant