Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 2784 - Relating to Safe Harbor for Sexually Exploited Youth (First Engrossment)
Author: Senator Sandra L. Pappas
Prepared By: Joan White, Senate Counsel (651/296-3814)
Date: April 8, 2016


Section 1 (145.4716, subd. 2) adds a cross-reference to section 3.

Section 2 (145.4716, subd. 3) expands eligibility for the safe harbor services and housing to youth 24 years of age or younger, consistent with the Homeless Youth Act under 256K and related federal law.

Section 3 (609.3241) amends chapter 609, which is the criminal code, related to the assessment imposed due to a conviction under 609.322 (Solicitation, Inducement, and Promotion of Prostitution; Sex Trafficking) and 609.324 (Patrons; Prostitutes; Housing Individuals Engaged in Prostitution; Penalties), by changing the assessment formula.  The bill requires that the portion of the assessment that is currently forwarded to the Commissioner of Public Safety, and deposited in the safe harbor for youth account in the special revenue fund, be forwarded to the Commissioner of Health.

Section 4 subdivision 1 appropriates in 2017, $2,000,000 to the Commissioner of Human Services for safe harbor emergency shelter and transitional and long-term housing beds, and $500,000 for statewide youth outreach workers connecting sexually exploited youth with services.

Subdivision 2 appropriates to the Commissioner of Health in 2017 $2,000,000 for trauma-informed, culturally specific services for exploited youth, and $800,000 for statewide training, protocol implementation, and program evaluation. 

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