Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 2283 - Reading Credit
Author: Senator Roger C. Chamberlain
Prepared By: Nora Pollock, Senate Counsel (651/297-8066)
Date: March 15, 2016



Section 1


Subd. 1

Authorizes a credit of 75 percent of the amount of eligible expenses used to pay for tutoring and related expenses associated with treating dyslexia or other reading-based deficits for a qualifying child, up to $3,000.  The child must have been evaluated for a specific learning disability or by a licensed psychologist and determined to have dyslexia or a deficit in basic reading skills, reading comprehension, reading fluency, or spelling.  Expenses eligible for the credit exclude any expenses used to claim the credit and subtraction for K-12 expenses under current law and any amounts compensated by insurance or a pre-tax account.  Eligible expenses include tutoring, instruction, treatment, or evaluation.  This section also provides definitions of “instructor,” “treatment,” and “qualifying child.”  A claimant must provide sufficient documentation of eligibility for the credit, in a form to be determined by the commissioners of revenue and education. 


Provides for the assignment of refunds for the credit.  The refund may be assigned to a qualifying financial institution or a 501(c)(3) organization, as with refunds for the K-12 credit under current law.


Provides that the credit is refundable.


Appropriates a sufficient amount to pay refunds authorized by the credit from the general fund.

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