Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 1119 - Regulation of Traditional Midwives
Author: Senator Sandra L. Pappas
Prepared By:
Date: March 13, 2015


SF 1119 changes the regulatory authority for licensed traditional midwives from the Board of Medical Practice to the Commissioner of Health. 

Sections 1 to 7 (147D.01; 147D.05; 147D.07) change ‘board” to “commissioner.”

Section 8 (147D.09) permits a licensed traditional midwife to administer maternal RhoGAM treatment.

Section 9 (147D.13, subd. 2) permits the advisory council to review the summary report that a licensed traditional midwife is required to compile on each client at any time upon request.

Sections 10 to 15 (147D.13; 147D.15; 147D.17; 147D.19) change “board” to “commissioner.”

Section 16 (147D.17, subd. 5) extends the licensure period from one year to three years.

Sections 17 to 24 (147D.17; 147D.19) change “board” to “commissioner.”

Sections 25 to 27 (147D.21) change the approval and verification of continuing education requirements and credits from the board to the advisory council.

Sections 28 and 29 (147D.22; 147D.24) describe the prohibited conduct and disciplinary actions that the commissioner may bring if a licensed traditional midwife violates the prohibited conduct.  (The Board of Medical Practice currently has this authority, but the current language of chapter 147D simply references the Board of Medical Practice’s broad authority under chapter 147.  With the change of the regulatory authority from the Board of Medical Practice to the Commissioner of Health, these sections need to be placed in chapter 147D giving the commissioner the disciplinary authority.)

Section 30 (147D.25, subd. 1) modifies the membership of the advisory council by removing the licensed physician member and modifying the parent member to be a parent of a child born under the care of a licensed traditional midwife.

Section 31 (147D.25, subd. 3) modifies the duties of the advisory council by requiring the advisory council to review reports of investigations related to licensed traditional midwives and make recommendations to the commissioner as to whether licensure should be denied or disciplinary action should be taken against a licensed traditional midwife.

Section 32 (147D.27) changes the licensure amount to coincide with a three-year licensure period.

Section 33 (147D.27, subd. 2) changes “board” to “commissioner.”

Section 34 transfers funds appropriated to the Board of Medical Practice to the Commissioner of Health for the purpose of implementing chapter 147D.

Section 35 repeals 147D.17, subd. 4, (obsolete language regarding the transition period) and 147D.23 (section no longer applicable with the change from the Board of Medical Practice to the Commissioner of Health).

Section 36 provides an effective date of January 1, 2016.

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