Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 152 - Agritourism Liability Limitations
Author: Senator Matt Schmit
Prepared By:
Date: February 3, 2015


Section 1 [Agritourism; Immunity from Liability]

               Subdivision 1 [Definitions] defines the terms “agricultural products,” “agritourism activity,” “agritourism professional,” “farm or ranch,” “inherent risks of agritourism activity,” and “participant” for the purposes of this section.

               Subdivision 2 [Liability limited] provides that an agritourism professional is not liable for the injury, damage, or death of a participant engaged in an agritourism activity that results from the inherent risks, unless the agritourism professional:

  1. commits an act or omission that constitutes gross negligence or willful or wanton disregard for the participants safety;
  2. has knowledge or reasonably should have known of a dangerous condition or dangerous propensity of an animal and does not make the danger known to the participant;
  3. intentionally injures the participant; or
  4. fails to post the required notice under subdivision 3.

               Subdivision 3 [Posting notice] requires an agritourism professional to post plainly visible signs on the premises of the inherent risk of agritourism activities and the limitation of liability under this section.

This section takes effect the day following final enactment and applies to actions arising on or after that date.

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