Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 2271 - Metropolitan Council “Unsession” Bill (First Engrossment)
Author: Senator Melissa H. Wiklund
Prepared By: Alexis C. Stangl, Senate Counsel (651/296-4397)
Krista Boyd, Senate Fiscal Analyst (651/296-7681)
Date: March 24, 2014


S.F. No. 2271 is the Metropolitan Council “unsession” bill.  It repeals obsolete, unused, and redundant provisions.  It also deletes references to deadlines that have passed. Provisions relating to Transportation are sections 2, 11-15, and repealers of sections 473.375, subd. 9; 473.382; 473.388, subd. 8; and 473.392.

Section 1 strikes the requirement that the Council’s annual budget provide a separate account for specified categories.  A similar requirement exists in section 473.13, which is the Metropolitan Council’s budget statute. 

Section 2 strikes the regional administrator's lack of appointment and discharge authority over several categories of employees, including Metropolitan transit police officers. 

Section 3 strikes a direction to the Council to appoint members to the cable communications board by 1985. 

Section 4 eliminates unnecessary language. 

Section 5 strikes a reference to a deadline that has passed and changes “economic” to “economical.” 

Section 6 strikes language related to an obsolete HUD program. 

Section 7 strikes obsolete language relating to Metropolitan Livable Communities Act (MLCA). 

Section 8 strikes a reference to a deadline that has passed and strikes a reference to a subdivision being repealed, relating to MLCA. 

Section 9 strikes obsolete language and references to deadlines that have passed, relating to MLCA. 

Section 10 inserts a reference to "implementing agency" and cross-references the definition relating to the regional parks system to be consistent. 

Section 11 strikes the requirement that the Council establish a rideshare advisory committee. Under section 473.127, the  Council has broad authority to establish advisory committees. 

Section 12 strikes obsolete language directing the Met Council, city of St. Paul, and MnDOT to assess feasibility of locating a bus garage at a specified site in St. Paul.

Section 13 strikes permissive language concerning transit route planning and scheduling in the area of I-394.

Section 14 strikes language about canceling advertising contracts when the Council takes over a public transit system.

Section 15 updates the name “Office of Transit Operations” to “Metro Transit Division.”

Section 16 strikes obsolete language referring to the federal Water Pollution Act amendments of 1972.

Section 17 strikes language relating to sale of surplus property acquired for wastewater system purposes.

Section 18 strikes a reference to a date that has passed, relating to the Metropolitan Land Planning Act (MLPA)  

Section 19 strikes references to deadlines that have passed and requires water supply plan review as part of the Council's decennial review of local government comprehensive plans. 

Sections 20 and 21 strike references to deadlines that have passed, relating to the MLPA. 

Section 22 repeals the following:

473.123, subdivision 7:  authorizes hiring of a performance and budget analyst to assist the Council.

473.13, subdivision 1c:  requires report on consultants in the Council's annual budget.

473.23:  requires the Council to develop an inventory of public buildings in the metropolitan area; requires the Council to review and comment on certain school facility proposals.

473.241:  requires the Council, state agencies, and the University of Minnesota to develop a center for data collection.

473.243:  authorizes Council to coordinate emergency services and shelter planning within the metropolitan area.

473.244:  specifies reports and studies required of the Council.

473.254, subdivision 3:  provides for affordable, life-cycle housing opportunities before 2002.

473.315, subdivision 2:  authorizes grants for regional recreational open space for the time during the development of the first Met Council recreation open space policy plan.

473.326:  authorizes issuance of Como Park zoo bonds in 1977.

473.333:  authorizes acquisition of property recreation open space through  grant program.

473.375, subdivision 9:  authorizes creation of optional transit advisory committees.

473.382:  directs council to establish local planning and development program relating to development and coordination of transit.

473.388, subdivision 8:  creates transit service incentives for replacement service providers.

473.392:  specifies process for creating guidelines for transit service bidding.

473.516:  relates to sludge ash contracts.

473.517, subdivision 9, Laws 2013 supplementauthorizes council to create advisory committees on wastewater services.

473.523, subdivision 2:  specifies wastewater manager’s authority to enter certain contracts.

473.535:  requires council to adopt capital improvement program for interceptors or treatment works.

475.825, subdivision 11:  definition of school district to apply to a  repealed statute.


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