Senate Counsel, Research
and Fiscal Analysis
Minnesota Senate Bldg.
95 University Avenue W. Suite 3300
St. Paul, MN 55155
(651) 296-4791
Alexis C. Stangl
State of Minnesota
S.F. No. 1142 - General Education Levy
Author: Senator LeRoy A. Stumpf
Prepared By: Bjorn E. Arneson, Senate Analyst (651/296-3812)
Date: March 11, 2013


S.F. 1142 establishes a general education levy beginning in fiscal year 2015.  The levy would replace the current formulas for operating capital, equity, and transition levies.  The bill directs the commissioner to establish a general education levy rate that would apply uniformly to districts across the state.  Finally, the bill moves the alternative teacher compensation program outside of general education, though keeps the program’s current form otherwise unchanged.

Sections 1-3 move the alternative teacher compensation program outside of general education in 2015.  The alternative compensation levy is not among those that would be replaced by a general education levy.

Section 4 specifies that, beginning in fiscal year 2015, the alternative teacher compensation program is not included in the definition of general education revenue.

Sections 5-6 specify that the current formula determining the levy/aid mix of operating capital revenue expires after fiscal year 2014.

Sections 7-8 specify that the current formula determining the levy/aid mix of equity revenue expires after fiscal year 2014.

Sections 9-10 specify that the current formula determining the aid/levy mix of transition revenue expires after fiscal year 2014.

Sections 11-13 specify that the alternative teacher compensation program’s current placement inside general education revenue ends after fiscal year 2014. (The bill re-establishes the program outside of general education revenue in sections 1-3 above.)

Section 14 requires the commissioner to establish the general education rate beginning in 2015, a rate that raises $100,000,000 when applied to the adjusted net tax capacity of all districts throughout the state.

Section 15 authorizes districts to levy an amount not to exceed the product of the general education rate and the adjusted net tax capacity of the district beginning in 2015.  If the district’s levy would exceed its general revenue, the levy must be adjusted per section 16 below.

Section 16 indicates that when a district’s general education levy would exceed its general revenue, the levy must be limited to the amount of general revenue less any county apportionments for the same school year.

Section 17 specifies that, beginning in fiscal year 2015, the existing general education aid formula is replaced by a new formula based on the general education levy (see the bill language at 6.21-29 for details).  If a district chooses to levy less than the permitted amount, its general education aid is reduced proportionately.

Section 18 appropriates money for general education and for alternative teacher compensation aid for fiscal years 2014 and 2015.

Section 19 repeals the general education definitions of operating capital levy/aid, equity levy/aid, transition levy/aid, and alternative teacher compensation levy/aid effective in 2015 (NB:  alt comp is re-established outside of general education by sections 1-3 above).





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